Can You Recall These Old-School Kitchen Essentials?

Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:


Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:

Retry You are thoroughly modern Whether your parents were ahead of the curve when you were growing up or you just didn’t spend a lot of time in their kitchen, you’re used to the more technologically enhanced kitchen appliances available today. But hey, if you’ve ever wondered what people did before they had the modern conveniences that surround you, now you now! You have a few memories of watching your elders cook Although there were apparently some tools that had you stumped, you were able to identify a fair amount of them. Whether you saw your parents or grandparents use them in the kitchen, they caught your eye enough that you still remember them today. You might even be so used to them that you use a couple yourself. You’re familiar with more than a few of these! Based on your answers, you’ve been cooking for long enough to remember when some of these vintage kitchen items went out of style. But whether you agreed with the changing tides and saw more value in doing things the automatic way or not, you remember what it was like before all these conveniences came around. Some may be a little before your time, but more than of them are clearly familiar sights to you. You’re an old soul! Not only do you know most of these kitchen tools, but they odds are good that you’ve used a lot of them yourself. Indeed, there’s a good chance that you’ve spent so much time using them that it still feels more satisfying to cook without all of these automatic additions. You’re passionate about what goes on in your kitchen and these classic implements put you as close to the action as you can be every step of the way. And that’s left you with a lot of knowledge that’s pretty rare nowadays.
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