Pick Your Favorite Country Music Songs, And We’ll Guess Your Age!

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Retry 18 Or Below Although country music at large has undergone many transformations in its long and storied history, you’re able to see most of them with the benefit of hindsight. The crossover songs of the past can simply be enjoyed without the baggage of overplay, and the flirtations country artists have had with hip-hop stars, and EDM DJs aren’t as jarring to you as they are to your parents. It’s not that you can’t enjoy the old stuff, but you can better understand the appeal of what’s happening now. 19-35 Just about every country fan has some appreciation for the classics, but you’ve seen the genre grow up and regain its popularity in a way you may not have anticipated. You’ve seen the good and bad aspects of that resurgence, and it’s hard not to be uneasy about some of the directions the genre went in during that time. But regardless of how you feel about modern country, you’re able to approach things with a balanced perspective. 36-50 For you, country music has always been a comforting presence after a long day at work and something fun to dance to. And while the newer stuff works well enough for that purpose sometimes, they don’t hit the spot quite as the warm favorites you grew up with. So when you seek out music by newer artists, they’re capturing the same feel that made all your old memories so bright. Over 50 When you hear something that’s truly classic, it’s hard for you not to point at the stereo and say, “Now, that’s music.” While it may not necessarily be fair to say that nobody nowadays can manage the kind of quality songwriting you used to hear all the time, it certainly feels like the ones who can are fewer and further between. Because for every artist who’s earnestly singing from the heart, you hear about five who are closer to making stealth advertisements for chain restaurants and truck brands. But since those who said it all before will never truly go away, it’s a little easier to accept how much things have changed.
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